Let us Proudly Commemorate International Year of Small Scale Fisheries & Aquaculture - 2022

NAFSO Staff Trained on outcome and impact orientation perspectives in Project Monitoring and Evaluation

Six members of NAFSO secretariate staff together with two staff members from each partner organization participated in the training programme on the outcome and impact orientation perspective of in project monitoring and evaluation. The Program was held on 17th to 19th January and conducted by  Paltra - Sri Lanka with the financial and technical assistance. 
The Objective of the 3-day program was to educate participants basic elements of the OIO-ME method (to apply in work planned to do), Educate on financial management procedures and qualities expected and to develop ME-Plan according to OIO system.  

As an output, 31 persons educated on the subjective matters including reporting, responsibilities of the project team and project manager, and a basic ME plan was developed for Bread for the world activity plan for next two years.