Let us Proudly Commemorate International Year of Small Scale Fisheries & Aquaculture - 2022

SriLanka Agreement with Singapore will be a disaster to the Nation

Mr. Bandara and Palitha Abeywardana of United Professionals Movement (UPM) shared their learning of the Pact which was a school to the NAFSO activists.

“The damage to farmers, fishers and food producers can not be assessed. Billions of money could be given to those who signed this pact. This damage will be higher than the Treasury Bills loss. Even any progressive government come in to power, we can not reverse the loss to the country.” Bandara gave clear examples how the agriculture and fisheries sectors would be affected with the conditions in the pact.  Loyel Peiris and A. Pathmanathan of National Fisheries Trade Union, shared their experiences with Presidential Commission as both of them attended to give oral and written witnesses on effects of Singapore Pact on fisheries sector.
“While imposing restrictions to small scale fishers, GOSL is opening up the Sea and water resources for privatization. Our fishermen will be the victims of all these actions of the govt. says Loyel Peiris