Let us Proudly Commemorate International Year of Small Scale Fisheries & Aquaculture - 2022

We all are work to protect Mother Earth in our youth movement. Planting tree is a symbolic expression of our youth to say we protect Mother Earth.

Planting Program

Month of October will be another busiest season for NAFSO team as there will be many activities have planned during the month.
The food Sovereignty education campaign along with Tree Planting week of action taking place during 7-15th October with the mediation of YMESOC, Blue Economy Study will be conducted during 8-14 October, Regional FaFo meeting to be held, the BGG is reactivate and plant fruit trees and herbs once rainy season begins.
The tree planting preparatory work is underway as Praja Sahayogitha Sansadaya, Kurunegala prepared the saplings of fruit plants and hard wood plants for distribution among the youth groups in 15 districts.
Pradeep Laksiri Fernando, the coordinator of YMESOC says, “We all are work to protect Mother Earth in our youth movement. Planting tree is a symbolic expression of our youth to say we protect Mother Earth.”
We will launch tree planting and bring the practice back, saying that we are the youth, who care the Mother Earth. We are thankful to Saman at Kurunegala, for his commitment over providing saplings to the tree planting campaign, added Laksiri