Let us Proudly Commemorate International Year of Small Scale Fisheries & Aquaculture - 2022

Re-strengthening monitoring and evaluation of NAFSO programs at district level

A training workshop was held at the Negombo, Rani Beach hotel on the 23-24 of July 2019 on Monitoring and Evaluation. 20 districts and national office NAFSO staff attended the program. The objective of the training workshop was to update the knowledge of the staff on monitoring and evaluation and improve the program quality at district level.
 Mr. Saman Hamangoda of PALTRA organization facilitated the program, and the focus was on the programs supported by the ‘Bread for the World’.
Small group work and presentations were used as the training method for the program. Staff requested to clarify the concepts such as program output, program outcome and program impact. It was an opportunity to discuss the program planning and reporting procedure in detail. Mr. Saman Hamngoda and Mr.Herman Kumara provided analytical feedback to the staff for their program presentations. Reporting formats have been discussed and agreed to improve the quality of reports that send to the national office. It was also agreed to develop a six months plan to expedite the remaining work and key action points have been identified for the six months.
 Participants stated that the workshop was a productive event to improve the NAFSO program quality in general, during the workshop evaluation.