Let us Proudly Commemorate International Year of Small Scale Fisheries & Aquaculture - 2022

Reconciliation and rebuilding

Workshop on Reconciliation and rebuilding on 2019 July 06 to 07 at Langura Hotel in Negombo.
A GIZ funded workshop on Reconciliation and rebuilding organed by NAFSO was held in 2019 July 06to 07 Langura Hotel. The objective of the workshop was to promote youth participation on Reconciliation. During the workshop fallowing themes were discussed Reconciliation, Religious harmony and Conflict Management. “There’s no meaning in dropping tears after watching a movie if we do not sensitive in real life situations. We must learn to be sensitive in our society. in real life
Supun Krishantha Fernando a youth committee member -Negombo, after watching the Savior film during the youth training on conflict resolution, ethnic identities, sustainable peace, and reconciliation was held at Negombo on last two days 22 youth engage with the program.
A plan was developed by the participants to maintain Reconciliation within the Negombo area. The workshop was conducted by Rio Rodrigo, Priyankara Costa, Gyam Ambegoda and Vincont Fernando. Mr.Herman Kumara, Convener of NAFSO, also attended the workshop.