Let us Proudly Commemorate International Year of Small Scale Fisheries & Aquaculture - 2022

Agro ecology practices after training program at Neela Bamma

Seems there will be a competition among NAFSO district organizations on Agro ecology practices after training program at Neela Bamma in July. YMESOC is planning to monitor follow up program and select the best practical applications among district organizations.
Anne Figurado of Mannar district Fisheries Organization says, “The seedlings and sprouts are ready to become plants in home gardens of Mannar youth. We are ready for challenge. Come on other districts for competitions.” I am looking forward who would accept the challenge which Anne set on the competition and win the award at the World Fisheries Day Celebrations to be held in Matara this year.
Matara and Mannar groups are sharing their practical actions and seems challenging each other. Laksiri Pradeep, the YMESOC Coordinator said, “We will follow the criteria set at the Training and after monitoring the program we select the best practices. Some of the plants which Mannar Youth team planted have shared by Anne are shown below.