Let us Proudly Commemorate International Year of Small Scale Fisheries & Aquaculture - 2022

People education on the Covid 19

Understanding of the people is most important to control of spreading the virus. Although the government has taken positive steps in order to prevent the virus, it seems that people are not highly concerning the advice of the government. Maintaining the social distance and clearing hands are the most important to prevent from the virus but some people do not follow the advice of health expertise.
The virus has infected to the considerable amount of people in many areas of the country.
According to the risk situation, Mannar District Fisheries Solidarity has conducted an awareness program distributing leaflets to the public. Advices have been given through the leaflet to prevent from the virus as well. The education campaign was conducted 19 of Mach 2020 in Mannar. Staff of district organization and volunteers organized the program.