Fisheries Organization organized a youth meeting to educate them about the
importance of using Aurvedic Medicine, occasions of using day today life and making
an herbal garden at the center of Southern Fisheries Organization on 26 of June
2020. Sri Lanka was very famous for herbal medicine. Developing western
medicine in the country, Aurvedic medicine system gradually went underground
but it has not totally vanished among the society. There is a new tendency to
approach for Aurvedic treatment because most of western medical centers were
closed due to the curfew in the pandemic period. Most of people practiced using
of the herbal medicines which were able to find within their environment.
People involved growing essential herbal plants in the home garden. National
Fisheries Solidarity Movement also encourages communities to use herbal
medicines rather than applying western medicines. According to the situation,
Southern Fisheries Organization has given priority to educate youth to develop
home garden. Mrs. L.Y. Wasantha, District Coordinator of Southern Fisheries Organization
and other staff participated in the education program.