youth meeting was held at Iranamatha Nagar with 16 male and female youth on 13
of July 2020. Killinochchi District Fisheries Solidarity initiated to organize
the meeting. It has decided to print a
booklet in relation to the history of Iranathive Island. The youth will involve
finding and gathering information of the history. They planned to gather
information from the community and secondary data. The youth meeting concerned
to develop the capacities of the youth through the leadership development
training. Personality, leadership qualities, creativity and communication skill
of the youth will be developed in the future trainings. Training will be designed with the
participation of youth members. Mr. Satheeswaran, District Coordinator, Mrs.
Amalageewani and Mrs. Jeyarani, animators of Killinochchi District Fisheries
Solidarity participated in the meeting.