Let us Proudly Commemorate International Year of Small Scale Fisheries & Aquaculture - 2022

Two day training and education to carryout the social media campaign on ILO convention and social security.

Two day training workshop was held at NAFSO training center on training and education to carryout the social media campaign on ILO convention and social security for the members of NAFSO youth movement and the district staff on 15-16th of September 2020. 15 Youth members from Jaffna, Killinochchi,Mannar, Matara, Gampaha, Galle, Ampara, Kalpitiya attended for the program.

The training focused on issues experience by small scale fisher groups, rights of fisher groups and importance of ILO convention.

In addition the resource people highlighted, what is social media, how to use social media to educate village level people, promote ILO training using social media including video productions for community training. They further discussed how to develop a media plan and photography.

On the 15th Dr.Gayathri Lokuge, researcher, CEPA institute conducted the training on ILO convention and the training on Social Media was conducted by Mrs. Ishara Jayaratne on the 16th. Mr. Herman Kumara, convener of National Fisheries solidarity movement, NAFSO Coordinator, Social Policy, NAFSO and Youth coordinator Mr. Laksiri Fernando also participated for this program.

Youth Members who participated for the program commended that this workshop was a very useful program to promote their village level activities.