Let us Proudly Commemorate International Year of Small Scale Fisheries & Aquaculture - 2022

ලෝක ආහාර දිනයට සමගාමීම දිස්ත‍්‍රික්ක ජනතාව දැක්වු අදහස්, Comments from the people of the district on the commoration of World Food Day


Grease Matilda of the Sri Vimukthi Fisheries Women's Organization, Negombo

 K.Kavisha Sadamini, Southern Fisheries Solidarity, Galle

Chandani Priyantha Kumari, Praja Sahayogitha Sansadaya, Kurunagala

 Juliet Selvamalar, Jaffna District Fisheries Solidarity, Jaffna

K.Reeta, Mannar District Fisheries Solidarity, Manner

importance of home gardening and food security – World food day messages. 

Women committee members stated that the NAFSO training given to them on home gardening and sustainable agriculture is very useful for them to improve their home gardening and agriculture work. It helps them to understand the value of environment friendly agriculture and sustainable food production.  
The practical oriented training will assists them to improve their food production at family level, help them to save some money that they spent on purchase of food. They further stated that family level food cultivation gives them mental satisfaction as it helps them to work as a family. The value of food cultivation at family level is very helpful during this COVID period. The food production on their own provides them economic benefits and chemical free vegetables from their gardens.
Youth members say this is an opportunity for them to work as village level youth members while helping their families to promote village level food production.