Let us Proudly Commemorate International Year of Small Scale Fisheries & Aquaculture - 2022

District Youth Movement – Galle.

The Meeting of the District Youth Movement of the Galle District Solidarity Movement of the National Fisheries Solidarity Movement was held on 21st October 2020 at the office of the Galle Fisheries Solidarity Movement. The youth involvement during the last month and information on youth activities in the face of the corona menace were shared here.

05 youth groups participated in this discussion i.e. Devinigoda Youth Group, Kalupe Youth Group, Udumulla Youth Group, Kalapanadeniya Youth Group and Karudeniya Youth Group participated in this discussion.

The leadership capabilities, strengths and weaknesses of the district youth members, and the activities that have conducted so far as a district organization was analyzed by the district committee.

They also discussed the progress and future activities of the youth movement in conjunction with the youth movement for social change in the National Fisheries Cooperation Movement.

Mr.Dulip Rangajeewa, Galle District Coordinator, Mrs.Nadeeka Jatamali, Galle District Youth Affairs officer and Mr. Channa of the Movement were also present on the occasion.