Mr. Herman Kumara, National Convener of National Fisheries
Solidarity Movement visited the youth team in Trincomale district on 01
September 2020. National Convener concerned the situation and issues youth are
facing as a group in the district. Progress of the youth team was also
considered in the discussion. It highlighted the important of building the
secondary leadership in order to move forward as youth. As well as, there
should be a self- confidence of the youth who take the leadership in the youth
group, mentioned by the National Convener. He further mentioned that the youth
should take the leadership of this movement to develop the movement as
well. Mr. Pradeep Laksiri, Youth and
Environmental coordinator, Mr. Francis Raajan, Monitoring Officer and Mr.
M.M.M.Raheem, District Coordinator of Trincomale District Fisheries Solidarity
Movement participated in the meeting.
Around 35 youth have participated representing the youth in the meeting.