Let us Proudly Commemorate International Year of Small Scale Fisheries & Aquaculture - 2022

The Jaffna District Youth Meeting


The Jaffna district Youth meeting related to NAFSO was held on 30th October and Jaffna district Fisheries solidarity Office with 22 youth members. 

Mr. Inbanayagam, the district coordinator of the organization presided the meeting and following points were discussed;

1. With the intention to build Green environment with the Youth contribution, there should be launched an agricultural development campaign,

2. Blood donation campaign to transfusion of blood in the current crisis situation, 

3. Introduce a saving scheme to the disabled communities,

4. Rearrangement of the administration of the group, [Maybe this must be, “Election of the new office bearers of the youth group"]-Please check.

There was a special event organized by the youth group to appreciate the extraordinary contribution of youth leader Praveen to uplift the district youth activities. A special gift was awarded to him at the meeting. And also, the youth group discusses the way forward as a youth group in the district in coordination and close connection with YMESOC of NAFSO.

We appreciate the Youth motivation and commitment to work together amidst the rapidly spreading COVID-19 in the area, following with the quarantine regulations.