Let us Proudly Commemorate International Year of Small Scale Fisheries & Aquaculture - 2022

Planning meeting of BftW, Monitoring, Meeting of Mftw and Steering committee meeting

District coordinator’s meeting was organized to re-plan the project activities, identify the optional activities and share the responsibilities among the district staff in implementing the program being concerned the existing situation of the BftW project. There was a gap implementing the planned activities due to the pandemic and it needed to change the strategies in implementing according to situation. NAFSO hold a district coordinators meeting to reorganize the implementing schedule of the project on 18/19 of January 2021 at secretariat office of NAFSO. Mr.Herman Kumara, National Convener, Project staff and district coordinators participated in the meeting. As well as steering committee meeting and monitoring meeting of BftW project also conducted simultaneously with the main program. The meeting was held under the direction of heath sector.