Let us Proudly Commemorate International Year of Small Scale Fisheries & Aquaculture - 2022

NAFSO has launched a campaign to protect women from the deep oppression of Micro Finance Companies.


NAFSO has launched a campaign to protect women from the deep oppression of Micro Finance Companies.

The main demands of the women are two aspects;

a. Keep the promises of President to write off the micro finance loans of women during the election campaign,

b. Regulate the irregular activities of micro finance companies enforcing the laws by Central Bank of Sri Lanka
NAFSO Women Program has launched 10,000 signature campaign which will be used to hand over to the Women Minister and the MPs of women caucus of parliament on 25th March while commemorating women’s day.
Top of those demands, the Civil Society Collective on CEDAW process has planned to address the women’s issues through Women Advocacy Document which will focus 3 main subject areas;
. Capital / Investments for local production
. The technology/ traditional knowledge
. Marketing / sales of the production
We invite to study and advocate to address those issues of women