Indian Government has passed three farming reform bills which directly effect to the farmers and small scale food producers. Indian farmers with the collaboration of other sectors has been protecting against the bills for 50 days. 26 of January is the republic day of India. The protectors directed the campaign to New Delhi based on the republic day. The Indian government has passed the particular bills with the favor of large scale investors, multinational companies and capitalists. The campaigners demand the government to recall the bills being convened the parliament.
National Fisheries Solidarity Movement with the collaboration of other CSOs organized several symbolic protests to show the solidarity for the Indian campaigners. It has planned campaigns in 12 places in the Island wide. These protests were organized in the name of “ Indian – Sri Lankan Solidarity” It concerned the rights of food producers in the campaign. It organized a campaign in front of the bud stand in Negombo on 26 of January 2020.