Let us Proudly Commemorate International Year of Small Scale Fisheries & Aquaculture - 2022

“Social Security is very important for people like small Scale fishers as they are engaged in one of the most dangerous occupations in the world.”

“Social Security is very important for people like small Scale fishers as they are engaged in one of the most dangerous occupations in the world.” So NAFSO together with partner organizations and trade unions to pressurize the GOSL in the ratification of Security and safety convention of Fisheries (C 188) of I LO in 2007. Jaffna organization conducted an awareness program on the same convention among womenfolk of SSF. Thadsa Thavachselvam the inter district coordinator related to Northern Province said, “We need to work to mobilize fishers who are in the FCSs to push pension scheme, insurance facilities to run effectively as the fishers do not have any social protection once they get old age and no income from fishing”Inpam Muraly the coordinator of Jaffna Difso said, “Our fishers will be praised us once they get old, if we ensure their pension scheme through this efforts. Unfortunately both officials and fishers both do not care the importance.