Let us Proudly Commemorate International Year of Small Scale Fisheries & Aquaculture - 2022

SAAPE South Asian Regional meeting on Tea & Sea Food value Chain conducted at Kathmandu during 23-24 March.

SAAPE South Asian Regional meeting on Tea & Sea Food value Chain conducted at Kathmandu during 23-24 March. Representatives from Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka representatives attended the 2 day meeting.
The objective of the meeting was to prepare a campaign across the region on “fair value- fair wage.” In which Tea and Sea Food will be the main focus of the campaign agreed the participants.
NAFSO has been working with #SSF and committed the wellbeing and social security of fishing communities has proposed and group adopted #ILO safety at sea fishing convention to push the respective governments in South Asian region and to be ratified the convention by the end of the #IYAFA2022.
Netra Prasad Timsina the Regional Coordinator of SAAPE expressed his desire to launch both Tea and Sea Fish campaigns would bring light to the issues and challenges faced by most vulnerable communities of fishers and plantation communities across the South Asia region.
Historical Social injustices should be eradicated among most vulnerable communities of south Asian region through structural adjustments of laws and regulations. Said Praman Adhikari the program Coordinator of SAAPE. We need to bring strong people’s voice through continuous social media campaigns across the boarders, Praman narrated.
The first multi stake holder country program will be held in Sri Lanka on May as one of the first country event on C-188 ratification process.
Herman Kumara, the convener of NAFSO said, we will bring all possible CSO actors to advocate GOSL, IGO, Academia, Media and Researchers to collaborate to ratification of C-188 and to make necessary policies to ensure social security of Fishing communities in Sri Lanka.