Let us Proudly Commemorate International Year of Small Scale Fisheries & Aquaculture - 2022

Individual business plan training programme in Batticaloa District, 07.07.2023

An individual business plan training programme was conducted for the selected 17 woman headed family based on animal husbandry (goat and poultry farming) dry fish production, dress making and bite production. The selected woman headed family are coming from Sarvodadanagar, Kithul,Kopaveli, Urgamam  Walikakandi in the Chenkaladi divisional secretary division and Manchanthoduvai nort, Manchanthoduvai south (manunai north ds division)  Kattankudy (Kattankudy ds ) Aarumugathan kudiruppu (Eravur patru) Mr. Kannan from CEFE was the resource person and Mrs. Lavina Hasanthi, NAFSO women program coordinator, Mr. Anthony Jesudasan - People to People Dialogue on Peace and Sustainable Development Program, Mrs. Farthima Shermila, Batticalo district coordinator and Mrs. Nirosha, Animator participated in the training